Saturday, September 8, 2012
Caution about noni fruit
Noni juice contains high potassium is about 56 meq / L. It amounts, as well as orange juice and tomato juice. And it was reported about people with chronic renal failure, reported that noni fruit make the body with high potassium until dangerous after they eat it. It should not be eating in patients with kidney disease.
The Noni fruit juice should not be eating in patients with kidney disease.
Unlike garlic, it has been reported in the epidemic that people who eat garlic as colon, esophagus and stomach cancer less than those who do not eat and extract of garlic can inhibit cancer cell several types.The Noni fruit contains vitamin C
This fruit is a fruit that is useful. It contains vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A is high and contains anti-oxidant that helps retard aging and anti cancer. In principle, it will prevent cancer.bThis is similar to other fresh fruits and vegetables. The noni fruit juice has inhibitory effect on Lewis lung carcinoma. However, this cancer is very rare. This fruit juice is not harmful to eat, except for patients with kidney disease.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Ture research is available about Noni fruit
The report is published truly, when searching in the medical library and from a Medline search. It is only about 20 reported worldwide. It is a report that contains the interesting as following
Noni fruit contains Polysaccharide
- In the noni fruit contains Polysaccharide (noni PPt) that affect of cancer cells, which it is actually in against Lewis lung carcinoma and extend the life of mice with cancer was real. However, it not studies in humans (Phyto ther Resp 1999).- It may have anti-tumor effects from a substance Anti oxidant by reducing DMBA-DNA adduct formation and other mechanisms. However, no reports in humans that people who eat this fruit is less cancer than those who do not eat or treatment of cancer.
Noni fruit and malaria
It has been reported to treat patients with symptoms and vomiting after recovering from malaria by comparing with metoclopamide and Chinese tea, found that this fruit juice is not as good as metoclopamide to anti-vomit, but it is more effective than in the control group. This experiments use dried the noni fruit mix with water. It was not use fresh fruit juice.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Noni fruit can cure various diseases true or not?
The noni fruit has the value of food. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, , and high potassium. In addition, it looks like a lot of vegetables that contains anti-oxidant, which slow down the aging of cells and anti-cancer.
There is not much research on the noni fruit
There is not much research on Noni fruit. Researches about it most are faculty of Medicine in Tahiti. However, these studies have not confirmed clinically. This may be called bias, because it is a supports the business of his country. These studies will be accepted only when the design of trial is good and has been published in medical journals reliable including the experiment repeated that results are real.The noni fruit can cure diseases
If you browse the website, it is reported individually that say this fruit can reduce high blood pressure, add the energy, fresh, help reduce inflammation, pain and cold, cancer treatment, AIDS, and reduce blood cholesterol.These are an individual reports sporadic, some doctors or nutritionist. This is not a recognized medical. It does not have a research lab exact any. Information of site is prepared for business, because it is website that carries the product.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The discovery of key compounds in Noni fruit
Dr. Ralph Heinicke, American biochemist is famous. He researched and found an enzyme in pineapple, which it's a kind of alkaloids, is Xeronine.
The noni fruit contains Xeronine
Since 1950, and has been studied continuously ever since until can be found that noni fruit contains this substances more than ten times in a pineapple. After that he continued to do research until know the incredible benefits of this fruit and medical benefits.The research of the noni fruit and medical benefits as follows
1. It's enhance biochemical reaction in the cell, restoration of degraded cells, repair cell damage and eliminate toxins in the cells.2. It helps synthesize proteins in the body, the hormonal system in the body and a positive effect on the gland in the body to function better
3. It has antioxidants that help slow the deterioration of the body and gainst cancer
4. Lower glucose levels in diabetic patients
5. Reduce high blood pressure
6. Enhance immunity by stimulating the white blood cells and against cancer and more germs
7. Reduction and relief of inflammatory cells
8. Reduce and relieve allergies
9. The noni fruit contains vitamins, minerals, amino acid that as nutritional supplements and increase energy in the body
10. Help heal the wounds and make wounds heal faster

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Research related to Noni fruit
Research from one of the Faculty of Pharmacy indicates that noni fruit can help boost immunity and anticancer by it has a chemical stimulus to creation of white blood cells. Which act to eliminate bacteria in the body and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells to spread, but it does not cure cancer. There is also an analgesic and stimulates enzymes in the intestine to function better.
Technical Data Institute of Thai Traditional Medicine indicates that noni fruit can be classified by the properties as the two types.
- Noni fruit raw
It is spicy. It is useful to treatment of flatulence and gas in the stomach, dialysis, and vomit or as a candy to heal tender gums, hoarse voice and aphthous- Noni fruit ripe
It has a pungent odor. It is useful to care the intestine.From the Library of Medicine and Medline search, it was reported that Noni contains polysaccharide, which affects the cells of Lewis lung carcinoma and extend the life of mice with cancer. However, it isn’t studies in humans. It may have anti-tumor effects from the antioxidants by reducing DMBA-DNA adduct formation and other mechanisms.

Monday, September 3, 2012
Benefits of Noni fruit
The noni fruit has been used as an herb in the past by using fresh and raw or half-baked, which properties in the treatment of nausea and vomiting. It has active substance as Asperuloside.
From information about this fruit in university in thailand said that it contains more than 140 sensitive species inclubing proteins and complete amino acid. There are also other substances such as vitamins and minerals.
The noni fruit has Proxeronine and Xeronine
But the key is that it offers the benefits from substance Proxeronine, Enzyme Proxeroninase and Xeronine in repair in cells of all organs throughout the body by binding to the amino acids in proteins and enhance the quality of the protein. This will accelerate the recovery of damaged cells throughout the body including the pancreas. Noni fruit can help lower blood sugar levels of diabetic patients because the restoration of the pancreas.The noni fruit help sleep comfortably
It's also a precursor of the Hormone Melatonin that allows sleep to be balanced, sleep comfortably and full energy. Noni fruit contains the active ingredient in combination with endorphin (Endorphin Receptor is substance that makes happy, relax, emotionally refreshed and energy).The noni fruit can stimulates the white blood cells
It stimulates the white blood cells, immunization (Antibody), and increased resistance to the disease to combat the disease and anti scopoletin cancer. It can expand the blood vessels and increase the potential of serotonin in the body to control the contraction and expansion of the arteries to help lower blood pressure including prevent infection in the digestive tract and reduce cholesterol levels.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Noni fruit with advertising part2
From the properties of the noni fruit in treating folk plus experience accumulated with the same passed down and scientific research are also considered to be fundamental properties of this fruit. This may result to make it has become the drug of choice has been very popular.
The Noni fruits are widely whether in America, Europe, Australia or Asia.
We will find advertising for juice or Noni capsules that are widely whether in America, Europe, Australia or Asia. In addition to the diseases mentioned by the website of India, it also has discussed ability to treat tumors and other cancers.The Noni fruit can cure some diseases
From a long history of using this fruit to treat disease, it is probably the reason that this fruit can cure some diseases, but in a clear scientific have to wait to proof in the days ahead. It is an alternative treatment that depending on the judgment of the treating doctors and patients.